We’re proud to work with the People’s Postcode Lottery to provide our young people with the mentoring and paid internships they need to kickstart rewarding and successful futures. Here, we catch up with Melissa, Nisha and Jack to find out more about their internship experience. 

Melissa Duff, Wester Hailes Education Centre:

The first three weeks of my internship at People’s Postcode Lottery have been great! I am here with Career Ready, a mentoring programme that opens up opportunities in the world of work and includes a four-week summer internship. This is my first taste of work-life so on the first Monday morning I was nervous, as you would be on the first day of anything. Everyone has made me feel welcome though, especially comms!

So far, I have realised that People’s Postcode Lottery isn’t like the traditional office I had imagined, as so much goes in the building. From filming and doughnuts in The Hub, to fun training with Janice and a daily morning welcome from Louise at the front desk, there’s always something happening. I was also lucky enough to visit PDSA, one of People’s Postcode Lottery’s supported charities. I visited one of the charity’s PetWise vans in Portobello with Hazel from the charities team and her dog Tilly.

There are three interns in total – Nisha, Jack and me. I had a chat with Jack and Nisha to see how they were getting on and what they have been up to.

Jack Taylor from Forrester High School has spent time in both the marketing and data services teams.

Q: Are you enjoying working here?

A: Yeah, the environment is good, and the people are friendly.  For the first few weeks I’ve felt free. It’s nice not needing to ask to use the bathroom and I can get a hot chocolate whenever I want!

Q: Do you think this has given you experience for leaving school?

A: Definitely. I feel at ease and much less nervous about the thought of leaving school and going into work.  

Nisha Singh from Drummond High School is spending time in the data services teams.

Q: Have you got plans for after your internship?

A: I am preparing for my college work placement which will be something in IT software design and development.

Q: Is this the type of internship you were expecting?

A: I didn’t think that a busy working place like this could be so friendly and casual. The people in the office make me feel comfortable and I work harder that way.

Find out more about how we work with employers across Scotland to help young people kickstart rewarding and successful futures.